Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 60:
Keris Dagger from Sumatra or Kelamantan area display a variety of stylistic attributes. Inthis example, the hilt is formed in the style of a highly stylised Garuda. This hilt form may alsobe from the Pattani area in Kelamantan. As the area was Islamized, the Hindu god Garuda wasmodified to the point where it took on the shape of a seated or squatting humaniod figure with along beak and which now is considered to be a representation of a kingfisher bird. These longbeaked birds do not appear as if in motion and instead sit solidly on a stylized tumpal throne, with a triangular design of a row of triangles and inverse triangles, in the classic squattingancestor pose. The design of these distinct hilts is more associated with Sumatra than the otherlong beaked hilt, classically known as Thai Pattani work. These Sumatran hilts are called HuluBurung and are distinguished by triangular palmettes, feathers depicted as tight curls, and whirling flower or sun motifs.This example in the Schmiedt Collection is a rare example of a quality Hulu Burung hilt, finelycarved in wood with an aged patina. The scabbard is in the Sumatran style often associated withRiau called a bulan sabit, or crescent, with three finely chiseled silver fittings showing doubleheaded birds with large fanned tail feathers, and with a slightly enlarged buntut.The blade is a straight form called a dapor sinom and a finely patterned pamor with a deep etchin Javanese style. The pamor appears to be a type called sisik sewu, translated as Thousand Sheds.First half of 20th century.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 20 1/2" Blade Length : 14 3/4"References:1. Frey, E. (1988) The Kris: Mystic Weapon of the Malay World. Oxford University Press.2. Mardianto, W. A to Z â€â€œ Sesuatu mengenai KERIS dan TOMBAK KERIS â€â€œ SENJATATRADISIONAL INDONESIA A to Z3. Ki Empu Jhuel. Pamor Keris4. Ghiringelli. V. (2007) The Invincible Krises 2. Saviolo Publisher5. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2001) Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Leiden: Art Books6. Gardner, G.B. (2009) Keris and other Malay Weapons. Orchid Press7. Weihrauch, A., Kloubert, U. and Aljunied, A. (2017)The Gods & the Forge: BalineseCeremonial Blades- The Gods & the Forge in a Cultural Context. IFICAH8. Maisey, A. Dhapur and pamor according to Djeno Harumbrojo, Jogjakarta.KerisattosanajiDetailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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