Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms

Rare and Fine Indonesian Madura KERIS Dagger ~ Fine

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Start price: $300

Estimated price: $600 - $800

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Keris Dagger from Madura, an island east of Java, often feature well carved hilts in a variety of designs. The most classic Maduran carved design is form of hilt called a donoriko hilt entirely carved in floral designs and often with a winged horse carved into the inside angle of the hilt. Other hilts include those with various figural carvings either of princes, representations of Javan deities from the period of Hindu rule, and other more naturalistic carving. Keris played a particularly important role in Maduran society and the blades especially were worshiped, as on the island of Java, according to a vast set of esoteric rituals. Standing as pusaka, a powerful sanctified heirloom, and serving as a strong marker of socio-economic status, a keris was animportant object for Maduran royalty and commoners a like.This example in the Schmiedt collection is an interesting example of a Maduran keris with a figural form carved in a provincial style, with deep carving and a traditional form found on more classic Balinese togog hilts. The figure is likely of a prince with a Maduran keris in the waistband worn on behind the back. The keris as carved on the back of the figure can be discerned asa classic Maduran form by the Madurese wrangka of the dagger and the approximation of the donoroki hilt. The hilt has a fine aged patina. The 3 luk blade has the shape approximated bydapor naga siluman (Ki Empu Jhuel) and consists of the pamor pattern called beras wutah. Themendak (cuff) between hilt and blade in Balinese style and in brass. The carved warangka(scabbard throat) of Gayaman style in the Surakarta form and with a pendok with a largebonaspatti face in embossed brass over a wood gandar (body) in the classic Maduran shape, similar to those found in Bali.First half of 20th century. Beautiful and rare example.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 22" Blade Length : 15 1/4".Shipping of this lot is within USA ONLY, except CA and NJ. NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING.References:1. Frey, E. (1988) The Kris: Mystic Weapon of the Malay World. Oxford University Press.2. Mardianto, W. A to Z Sesuatu mengenai KERIS dan TOMBAK KERIS SENJATATRADISIONAL INDONESIA A to Z3. Ki Empu Jhuel. Pamor Keris4. Ghiringelli. V. (2007) The Invincible Krises 2. Saviolo Publisher5. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2001) Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Leiden: Art Books6. Gardner, G.B. (2009) Keris and other Malay Weapons. Orchid Press7. Maisey, A. Dhapur and pamor according to Djeno Harumbrojo, Jogjakarta.Kerisattosanaji8. Marval, (1994) UKIRAN – Essai de classification des poignes de kris de l’archipelindo… Weihrauch, A., Kloubert, U. and Aljunied, A. (2017)The Gods & the Forge: BalineseCeremonial Blades- The Gods & the Forge in a Cultural Context. IFICAH.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]