Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 263:
Javanese keris daggers, are some of the most highly variegated objects in the world of arms and armor.Despite maintaining a distinct overall form and shape, the variation, in particular of the style ofblades is greater than any other arms and armor culture. The most classic style of hilt is from theRoyal Palaces of Surakarta in central Java and called a cecekan hilt in the Yudo Winatan style.This hilt has seven flat planar sides, with two carvings at internal angles of the hilt. Anotherform closely related in form is from the Palaces of Yogyakarta and is referred to as a NunggakSemi shape, but also has the distinctive carvings on the inside angles of the handle, thoughgenerally does not have kuncung carving.This example in the Schmiedt collection is a good example of a classic Javanese keris of cecekanhilt form in the Surakarta style or Yudo Winatan. The finely carved hilt features a Javanese selutin filigreed silver. The 7 luk blade has a dapor sempana najul. The pamor is indistinct with agreyish etch. The scabbard is mounted with a gayamana style wood wrangka and a chiseledsilver pendok, sheath covering, with a floral design. The chape of the sheath has a half moonprotrusion which is indicative of the influence of Dutch swords on keris, which otherwiseregister very few Europeanized influence except in the imagery of some Maduran hilts. Thissame form of protrusion was found mainly on European, including Dutch swords, of the period1750-1900 or so. Early to mid-20th century.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 21 1/2" Blade Length : 14"References:1. Frey, E. (1988) The Kris: Mystic Weapon of the Malay World. Oxford University Press.2. Mardianto, W. A to Z Sesuatu mengenai KERIS dan TOMBAK KERIS SENJATATRADISIONAL INDONESIA A to Z3. Ki Empu Jhuel. Pamor Keris4. Ghiringelli. V. (2007) The Invincible Krises 2. Saviolo Publisher5. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2001) Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Leiden: Art Books6. Gardner, G.B. (2009) Keris and other Malay Weapons. Orchid Press7. Maisey, A. Dhapur and pamor according to Djeno Harumbrojo, Jogjakarta.Kerisattosanaji8. Marval, (1994) UKIRAN – Essai de classification des poignÃĩes de kris de l’archipelindonesien.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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