Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms

Very Nice 19th C. Turkish YATAGAN Sword ~ Silver Inlaid

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Start price: $300

Estimated price: $600 - $900

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A good representation of one of the distinct swords of the Ottoman Empire, thissword is most classically called a yataghan and is distinguished by the down swept curved bladeand the eared handle. This example is of classic Ottoman Turkish manufacture, likely from theBalkan region, though these swords were known as far east as North Africa and the form foundits way as far west as the Malay peninsula, though there it devolved and adapted itself toindigenous forms. Yataghan blades are often engraved or inlaid with motifs or inscriptions, thelatter sometimes literary, such as a line of poetry or reference to an epic legend, sometimesreligious in content, such as a verse from the Koran or a prayer, and sometimes words expressingthe thoughts of the sword’s owner. There may also be the mark of the swordsmith, thedeclaration of God’s unity, and words identifying the ruler of the time and wishing himvictorious.As yataghans were used in the Balkans for long period under Turkish occupation, in Bosnia andSerbia, cloth and weapons that had the symbol of the yataghan were used to protect soldiers fromevil spells and spirits (Elgood 2015). The yataghan was also used to protect the dead frombecoming vampires as totemic arm.This example in the Schmiedt Collection of classic Balkan form with a down swept blade andwith silver koftgari and inscriptions along one side of the blade. The inscriptions appear to be aclassic sura from the Quran though difficult to decipher from the images. The inscription alsoincludes a date for the Hijra date 1278, approximately 1900, in the Gregorian calendar. The hiltis a classic Balkan form and is mounted with silver filigreed mounts inlaid with stones along thesecuring strip holding the blade to the handle. The sword with the original leather scabbard.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 28" Blade Length : 21 1/4" Comparable auction sale: Elgood, R. (2009). The Arms of Greece. Thames and Hudson.2. Hales, R. (2013). A Lifetimeâ€â„¢s Passion: Islamic and Oriental Arms and Armour, 3. Rivkin, K., Isaac, B. (2018) A Study of the Eastern Sword. Independent PublisherDetailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]