Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms

Very Good Silver Mounted Sudanese Arabic KASKARA Sword

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Start price: $300

Estimated price: $800 - $1,200

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This sword is characteristic of the swords of Sudan, Darfur, Kanem-Bornu (Chad) and Nubia andis currently referred to as a kaskara. The term kaskara is a recent name and is completelyunknown in the Sudan, where these swords are termed simply saaif. The kaskara is a broadsword, with a long straight blade with a central grove with two cutting edges. The cruciform hilt has astraight cross guard with two languets. The quillons are flared and usually are long, straight andend in a T-shaped form. The wooden grip is usually wrapped with leather and on certain higherend examples mounted either in silver or with additional decorations in silver. There are someregional differences in the types of kaskara especially with respect to the form of the crossguard.The tips of the cross guards are found in three styles. The most difficult to make is the six sidedstyle and is known as the Samanniya: after the largest Sufi order in Sudan. The "Mutamaan" hasa diamond shape at the ends, but has eight facets, hence the name deriving from the Arabic wordfor eight, tamaanye. The shape of all of these crossguards but generally speaking the overallform most closely resembles the early straight swords of the Mamluk period and is likely a longstanding interpretation of an ancient style.This example in the Schmiedt Collection is an example of a high quality sword, with a classictrade blade with a single fuller. The fittings are distinctive in form and indicate a high statusowner with silver filigreed fittings inlaid with red stones. This form of decoration has elementsof Afar workmanship found on high quality Gile daggers and may indicate the sword traveled toother regions further east of Sudan where it was decorated in this manner. The crossguard ofdiamond shape and of the form called Mutamaan. The original scabbard with matching silverfiligree fittings and in hardened leather. The trade blade likely from Germany and havingentered Africa via the Mediterranean harbours of Tripoli and Alexandria travelling from there via trans-Saharan caravans.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 42 1/2" Blade Length : 34 3/4"References:1. Stone, G. C. (1934). A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration, and Use of Arms andArmor in All Countries and in All Times. Mineola NY: Dover Publications.2. Spring, Christopher (1993). African arms and armour. British Museum Press3. Pradines, Stephane & Khorasani, Manouchehr. (2018). SUFI IN WAR: PERSIAN INFLUENCEON AFRICAN WEAPONRY IN 19TH CENTURY MAHDIST SUDAN.4. Hunley, E. (1984) The Social Economics of Small Craft Production: The Sword andKnife Makers of Kassala, Eastern Sudan. Dissertation. State University of New York atBinghamton5. Hunley. E. â€Å“The Sudanese Kaskara Sword in Silver Dress.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]