Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 231:
This is a classic sword of the Moro people of the southern Philippines and of the Sulu Sea areacalled a kris. The classic Moro kris is based heavily on the Indonesian keris but is distinctlylarger and made purposefully for fighting. The kris has always been the most famous of allMoro weapons and there are a wide set of variation of blade types, handle forms, and materials.Generally all kris blades are wide at the base, double-edged, and can be waved, half-waved halfstraight, or straight in which case they were more practical in combat. Older kris had fewerwaves and the waves were deeper and wider.One of the additional ways in which origins are identified are through the design of the elephanthead trunk and cavity of the ganja. Generally Sulu kris have cavities which are elliptical inshape. The mouth cavity and lower jaw point downwards towards the base of the guard. (Cato1996).This example in the Schmiedt Collection is an interesting example of a Sulu kris influenced bymaterials used in Java and elsewhere south of Borneo. The jute wrapped grip of interestingcomposition, finely woven together and reminiscent of European sailor made work of the 19thcentury. The finely carved pommel is original and displays a rich yellowish patina. Thismaterial appears similar to that used on other South East Asian swords from Vietnam toMalaysia but is almost never seen on Philippine weapons. As a result the rarity of the materialfor the region indicates the high quality of the sword and the owners rank. The 13 luk blade isfinely crafted with soft crested waves and displaying an original patina without later cleaning.Based on the cavity form of the ganja, this is likely Sulu.Likely dating from the late 19th century.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 24" Blade Length : 20" References:1. Cato, R. (1996) Moro swords. Graham Brash: Singapore2. Barados, D., (1995) Land of the Morning: Treasures of the Philippines, San FranciscoCraft & Folk Museum, 1995.3. Casal, G. et al, (1981) The People and Art of the Philippines, UCLA Museum ofCultural History4. Krieger, H. W. (1926). The collection of primitive weapons and armor of thePhilippine islands in the United States National museum. Washington: Govt. Print.Off.5. Macao Museum of Art. (2007). History of Steel in East Asia. Macao Museum of Art.Macau6. Wetzler, S. (2020) Steel and Magic. Edged Weapons of the Malay Archipelago.Edition Fichter, Frankfurt am Main.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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