Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 177:
A distinctive Bornean sword of the Iban Dayak, called a mandau, these swords arefound in institutional and private collections in varying degrees of quality. They aredistinguished by a set of similar features, all varying in the level of quality of the constructions, materials, and workmanship. The Mandau blade has a convex shape on one side and somewhatconcave on the other. The blades are often made of tempered metal and in some cases maydisplay a lamellar pattern, similar to the pamor found on Indonesian kris blades, though this ishighly uncommon. The hilts are often delicately carved with creatures or anthropomorphicdeities.This example in the Schmiedt Collection has a well carved hilt with the leech pattern in the hiltcalled (lemetek) and which is associated with blood sucking and was considered an appropriatemotif for a weapon. Swords with leech motifs are considered to come from the Iban Dayak ofSarawak, though the Kayan tribe also used this motif. The blade is with the blade tip mostclosely related to the style called li-po-tong based on research from 1888 from the Dutch residentin Koetei, where the Kayan tribe made mandaus of this form and style (Tromp 1888). The hilt ofthis example in a dark material, potentially a darkened deer horn and likely indicating a laterdating.The blade is of classic form with a series of cuts and incisions along the spine near the tip. Theseloops and projections along the spine of the blade, according to Shelford (1901) transcribing theKajamans of the Belaga district, are referred to as song batong, referencing the fretwork alongthe back of the blade.Dating to the first half of 20th century.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 24" Blade Length : 17 3/4"References:1. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2002). Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Koninklyk Instituut Voor Taal Land2. Heppell, M., et al, (2005) Iban Art: Sexual Selection and Severed Heads, C.Zwartenkot/Kit Publishers3. Sellato, B. (ed.), Plaited Arts from the Borneo Rainforest, NIAS Press, 20124. Fischer, H.W. (1909) Katalog des ethnographischen Reichsmuseums- Die Inselnringsum Sumatra, (vol. 4, Leiden)5. Tromp, S.W. (1888) Medeelingen Omtrent Mandaus. Internationales Archiv fÃÆ’¼rEthnographie. Band 1. Pp.22-266. Shelford, R. (1901) A provisional classification of the swords of the Sarawak tribes.Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 31.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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