Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 175:
A rare sword of the Nias islands near Sumatra, this sword is called a balato and isof the classic Balato form but with the distinctive carved hilt in the form of a dragonhead called alasara. The Balato is the classic and well recognized Nias warriors sword and comes in a varietyof shapes.This relatively typical Balato has a form that relatively closely follows the lasara (dragon head)hilt and which can be seen illustrated in Modigliani (1890) and Fischer (1909). The blades aregenerally not laminated and can have various forms, the common factors are: a single edge thatstarts only a few centimeters from the hilt and more or less widening to the point.The lasara carved hilts have been identified as multiple types of creatures. Some have likened itto the fantastic lawôlô bird (Horner 1849); other as the niôbawa lawôlô , an animal whosefunction is to increase the strength of the sabreâ€â„¢s owner (SchrÃĦder 1917); Modigliani sees aboarâ€â„¢s head (1890); others interpret it as a Chinese dragon; and others the makara, a mythical seadragon from Hindu-Javanese mythology and found throughout S.E. Asia. Regardless of thecreature designation, the hilts were supposed to have a protective function (lawôlô 😉 for the ownerof the sabre.The Schmiedt Collection example has a well carved and nicely patinated handle with a sculpturalcreature design carved in the pommel. The curled whorls likely represent boars tusks while thecreature sitting astride the pommel is called a bechu zÃĦcha, a spirit who hunts and feeds on menâ€â„¢sshadows, just as men feed on pigs. The scabbard is of two pieces of wood secured with strips ofbrass, while the talismanic basket, raga ifÃĦboaya, at the top of the scabbard is of classic shapeand decorated with animal teeth in a curved form. The blade now with pitting from age.Balato are difficult to date accurately, but considering the style of carving of the hilt and theoversized proportions of the bekhu figure this example likely dates to the early 20th century.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 29" Blade Length : 21" Comparable sales:1. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2001) Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Leiden: Art Books2. Viaro, M. A. (2001). Ceremonial sabres of nias headhunters in indonesia. Arts EtCultures, 3, 150-171.3. Fischer, H.W. (1909) Katalog des ethnographischen Reichsmuseums- Die Inseln ringsumSumatra, (vol. 4, Leiden)4. Modigiliani, E. (1890) Un viaggio a Nias.5. Brenner-Felsach, J.F. von (1998). Eine Reise nach Nias, die Indonesien expedition 1887,edited by Reinhold MittersakschmÃĦller. Vienna:6. Schroder, E. E.W. S. (1917) Nias: Ethnographische, geographische en historischeAanteekeningen en Studiën. 2 vols. Leiden: Brill, 7. Horner, J. J. (1840). â€Å“Batoe-Eilanden, ten Westen van Sumatra gelegen.†In Tijdschriftvoor Neerlandâ€â„¢s Indie. BataviaDetailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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