Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 158:
A distinct form of a Philippine Moroarmor. This style of armor is called kurab-akulang, and is made of plates of carabao hornlinked with brass or iron chainmail and oftenmounted with silver clasps inspired by Japaneseand Chinese examples chainmail. Thedistinctiveness of these Moro armors have beenattributed to a wide variety of influences from thepotential influence of Islamic (primarily Indian)chainmail that may have reached the MoroMuslims through trade links with south Asia butalso to Spanish armors that would have beenencountered during the Spanish colonization periodin the 17th-19th centuries.This kind of defensive armor was exclusive to theMoros as it was not found among any of the otherPhilippine groups. Native artisans copied thosecoats of armor captured from the Spanish but weremade from materials in their own environment suchas the carabao horn. On ornaments of wroughtsilver, they would employ local decorative motifsdistinctive of the ukkil: scroll work, leaves, climbing plants, etc., although the links of thechains were known in the islands since the 10thcentury.The armor in the Schmiedt Collection is a classicexample and composed of piece of carabao hornlinked with brass links. There are some limiteddamages to the links and the plates, but the armor isin fine condition otherwise.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : Blade Length : Comparable auction sale: -details.aspxReferences:1. Krieger, H. (1926) The Collection of Primitive Weapons and Armor of the PhilippineIslands in the United States National Museum. Smithsonian Institution; United StatesNational Museum, Bulletin 137.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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