Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 15:
Tanimbarese culture developed a wide group of weaponry of which the mostimpressive is the (Great Sword) or Krai Silai. Generally used as a ritual object, these swords wereoften found in ranges of twenty to thirty inches, with shorter examples used for daily use and thelonger examples reserved for important rituals. Tanimbar Island does not have a rich history ofiron smithing, unlike other Indonesian islands, and it is considered that the blades were acquiredfrom itinerant tradesmen who visited the islands. The hilts were then created by the Tanimbareseoften with intricate designs decorated in carved patterns. Some swords were equipped with ahand protector, and others have sea cowrie shells attached to the hilt, as is the case with thissword, which are believed to represent severed heads.The Krai Silai was rarely used in battle and would hang inside the house, often suspended from asmall hole in the blade as on this example near the tip. Only in certain circumstances would theweapon be wielded in battle or for ritual purposes, such as the payment of a bride price, celebration of a ritual headhunters’ feast, and the fighting of a ceremonial duel were the mostimportant occasions. Tanimbarese society is patrilineal and when a marriage occurs, a womanbecomes part of the descent group of her spouse. This accompanied by the presenting of a brideprice that consists of several parts and would include objects such as heirloom krai silai.Besides being an instrument of the male violence necessary to a man’s quest for prestige, theantique sword also played a role in the context of ritual aggression. The weapon would be usedin solemn duels, in which the two factions separated by a bamboo fence faced each other.Until the beginning of the 20th century, wars between Tanimbarese villages were commonplace.Reasons to go to war were constantly sought out, with an ultimate goal of showing off a victory.Combat would often yield casualties, and the victorious party would attempt to take the heads ofthe slain home as trophies. During a special ritual, in which the Krai Silai was ostentatiouslybrandished, the headhunters would extol their own valor and marital prowess, reenacting theirexploits in the presence of the vanquished enemy’s heads and the village community. This example in the Schmidt Collection is an Exceptionally Impressive Large specimen with a very thick and massive blade of actively patterned Damascus steel, having a superbly crafted hilt of carved bone panels connected together. Dating to the 18th – 19th century.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 34 1/2" Blade Length : 27 1/4"1. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2001) Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Leiden: Art Books2. Nico de Jonge, "Sword with handle resembling a human face in profile, " in Eyes of theAncestors: The Arts of Island Southeast Asia at the Dallas Museum of Art, ed. ReimarSchefold in collaboration with Steven Alpert (Dallas: Dallas Museum of Art; New Havenand London: Yale University Press, 2013), 288-289Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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