Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 131:
A distinctive Bornean sword of the Dayak, this sword displays design elements ofboth the jimpul and the Parang Latok. The jimpul is, similar to the Langgai Tinggang, witha krowit developed on one side and the tip of the blade is in a slanting angle. In this case, theblade has a distinctive upturned angle from the base of the blade and approximates the LandDayak sword called a Parang Latok. As swords of this region would often come in nondoctrinairestyles it is not unheard to see a cultural mix such as that found on this sword, thoughit is common. The hilts of this sword has a distinct plain style of hilt with subdued carving moresimilar to that found on niabor hilts.This example in the Schmiedt Collection has a nicely carved hilt. The blade is a simple stylewith the blade inlaid with brass dots, called tap-set-sien based on research from 1888 from theDutch resident in Koetei (Tromp 1888). The original scabbard is well made, carved withinterlocked designs, bound with rattan and inset with two brass 2 ½ cent from the NetherlandsIndies, with script in Soenda in the outer band and Djawi in the inner band.Dating to the early 20th century.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 28" Blade Length : 18 1/2"References:1. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2002). Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Koninklyk Instituut Voor Taal Land2. Heppell, M., et al, (2005) Iban Art: Sexual Selection and Severed Heads, C.Zwartenkot/Kit Publishers3. Sellato, B. (ed.), Plaited Arts from the Borneo Rainforest, NIAS Press, 20124. Fischer, H.W. (1909) Katalog des ethnographischen Reichsmuseums- Die Inselnringsum Sumatra, (vol. 4, Leiden)5. Tromp, S.W. (1888) Medeelingen Omtrent Mandaus. Internationales Archiv fÃÆ’¼rEthnographie. Band 1. Pp.22-266. Shelford, R. (1901) A provisional classification of the swords of the Sarawak tribes.Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 31.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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