Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms

Very Nice 19th C. BELADAH BELABANG Sword ~ Malaysian

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Start price: $200

Estimated price: $400 - $600

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A rare form of a classic Indonesian sword, called a beladah belabang, this examplein the Schmiedt Collection has the classic form of the sword with the pistol gripped handle andthe upswept blade that has close parallels with Turkish and Islamic swords of similar form andshape and which are likely the inspiration of this sword form but which are also influenced byEuropean swords with the crossguards. These swords are most closely associated withBanjarmasin on the island of Kalimantan. From the 16th century onward, Banjarmasin was oneof the chief sources of pepper in South East Asia during the period up to the mid-18th century.The need for this commodity attracted the English, Dutch, Chinese and Indonesian merchants tothe area. The longstanding Muslim linkages also brought traders in contact with OttomanEmpire traders who would have carried their traditional scimitars, termed kilichs. All of theseinfluences can be seen in the beladah belabang.The blade is a well-balanced slashing weapon and is adapted in form and size for the Malaypeople. The production of these swords and blades was described by Hendriks (1842) where hedescribes the smith’s techniques as the blades were polished on completion with stones, oil and afragment of shark skin.This example in the Schmiedt Collection is in fine condition with a finely patinated wooden grip, crossguard with no damage and a finely incised iron blade of classic cutlass form. Thecrossguard and pommel both feature design elements betraying the Indonesian region with floraldesigns that are uncommon to other Islamic or European swords. The blade is forged without afuller but decorated with incised design and has the characteristic flattened tip with carved floraldesign indicative of the indigenous influence of the Bornean weapons of the Dayak.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 29" Blade Length : 22 1/2" References:1. Van Zonneveld, A.G. (2001) Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago.Leiden: Art Books2. Deutsche Klingen Museum (2019). Steel and Magic Edged Weapons of the MalayArchipelago. Deutsche Klingen Museum Solingen.3. Hendriks, A. (1842) Iets over de wapenfabricatie op Borneo. Bataviaasch Genootschapvan Kunsten en Wetenschappen.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]