Important Collection of Antique Asian Arms
Lot 103:
A distinct form of a Philippine sword, this form of sword is called a minasbad andis associated with Bicol region of Eastern Luzon Island. These swords have a distinct form witha stylized bat head carved grip, flared blade, and a crossguard with strong influences from theSpanish colonial period. It is possible as well that these swords were influenced by colonialswords from Nuevo Espana (now Mexico) which was the vice royalty that controlled thePhilippines. Spanish colonial swords from Mexico, display a similar form and profile profile, though it possibly the transmission occurred from west to east as well. The minasbad is alsospecifically identified with the Cimarrones tribe of the Bicol, and like many other Philippine andIndonesian weapons, often functioned as a war sword and an agricultural tool.The example in the Schmiedt Collection is of classic form and has the especially distinct hilt thatis alternately referred to as a bat or a dogs head and decorated in silver. The blade flares in thedistinctive style of the Bornean parang nabur which may have influenced this sword. The handleform also has distinct resemblance to Chinese inspired mythological creatures and may have alsobeen influenced by the large Chinese community in the Philippines.Total Length (inside scabbard if present) : 25" Blade Length : 19 1/2" References:1. Macau Museum of Art. (2007). History of Steel in Eastern Asiaâ€â€œA View on theDevelopment of Weaponry. Macau Museum of Art.Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at [email protected]
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